Bio-Fruit Gel Exfoliator from Janssen Cosmetics

Hey dolls, hope you’re all well. I don’t know about you guys but this weather has been playing havoc with my skin lately and I can’t cope…

As you know I’m super oily and prone to the odd breakout. My skin can appear quite shiny at times which is VERY annoying, especially when it comes to wearing makeup.

A crucial part of my skincare routine is exfoliating as it helps to unclog pores and reduce excess oils in the skin.

Recently I’ve been using the Bio-Fruit Gel exfoliator from Janssen Cosmetics.

I first came across this product a few weeks back when I got a Janssen facial at West End Beauty salon in Drogheda. I couldn’t believe the difference it made to my skin. Bear in mind this is specifically for oily to combination skin, so if thats you then read on…:)

I began using the gel exfoliator as part of my skincare regime. Exfoliating is something that should be done no more than once or twice a week. Without getting too scientific, over exfoliating can weaken the skins natural PH and break down the Acid Mantle in the skin which is there to protect the skin against harmful bacteria.

I exfoliate my skin twice a week using the Bio-Fruit Gel. Now this product is a little different to your usual exfoliators as it doesn’t contain any gritty particles. It’s basically just a gel consistency. This is called a ‘peeling’ treatment which will basically break down any excess oil on the skin and unclog the pores to leave the skin with a more matte appearance.

To use this product, work some of the gel into your skin and leave for 5-15 minutes. Gently massage and then remove with Luke warm water. I felt a slight tingling sensation while this gel was on my skin, once it was removed my skin felt INCREDIBLY soft and smooth and noticeably less oily.

Top Tip: I recommend using this product at night time as it’s important not to expose your skin to sunlight directly after exfoliating and you also want to avoid makeup for a few hours.

This product is available from West End Beauty in Drogheda. Check out their Website for more information on Janssen Cosmetics facials and special offers HERE

As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me 😉

See you all soon guys,


Xx Dawn